How to Integrate Adsense With WordPress- Step by Step Guide

How to Integrate Adsense With WordPress?

You are definitely now asking this question as you are done with setting up your website and would like to start monetizing it through Google Adsense.


But what is google adsense, first?

Google AdSense, as its name suggests, is a program that is run by Google and that enables publishers to display ads of advertisers on their websites in exchange for money. Adsense is, in fact, one of the easiest ways to earn money online.

But before you can start earning money as a publisher from Google AdSense, you have to learn first how to integrate Adsense with wordpress.

That’s why I’ll be showing you, throughout this guide, how to monetize your website thru Google AdSense in an effective and easy way.

How to Get Started with the Whole Process?

You have taken the decision to integrate adsense with WordPress and wondering how to get started now? Well, here’s how you can go about it:

  • Step 1 – Create a Google AdSense Account and Link it to WordPress
  • Step 2 – Create your ads in Google AdSense
  • Step 3 – Embed/Implement AdSense Ads on Your Website
  • Bonus tips…
  • Best Practices…

But Before Explaining Each of These 3 Steps, What’s Good about AdSense?

Google AdSense is so reputable amongst other advertising networks because it’s first a free program where everything gets handled through Google’s platform from helping you create your ads to be displayed on your website to collecting your money from advertisers. Therefore, it’s time and money saving. Furthermore, using Google AdSense is incredibly easy as it doesn’t require any specific or high skills.

Google AdSense is definitely the way to go for anyone wanting to earn easy money provided to have a WordPress website that is run by a reliable provider, and to have your AdSense ads nicely implemented along with quality produced content.

Also, when it comes to creating you ads, Google Adsense offers lots of flexibility. Google’s platform makes it easy for you to customize your ads and the way you want them to be displayed. For instance, you can opt for using image-rich ads or just plain text ads or a mix of them.

Another advantage, especially for those people owning multiple websites, is that they can place ads on them all from a single account. That is very useful if you want to monetize all of your websites with ads.

Also, the good thing about AdSense is that if you manage to build a very large audience, you’ll be able to just make lots of money. All you’ll have to do then is to look for ads relevant to your brand or niche and carefully place them on your website, in a way that will appeal to your visitors.

What Can Be “Frustrating” about AdSense?

While Google AdSense is good for the many advantages we have just seen, there are also some bad things that many of you wouldn’t necessarily be happy about.

Amongst the bad things about Google AdSense is that there is a minimum amount of money to reach before you can proceed with any withdrawal. That amount is set to $100 minimum.

Also, to be able to earn a decent amount of money from AdSense, you should drive a lot of traffic to your website which is definitely not that easy to do.

For instance, to drive much traffic, your website should have valuable content that is SEO-optimized, it should be highly ranked on SERP and should have a good domain authority.

Besides, your ads should be very carefully placed on your website. In other words, your ads shouldn’t be placed in a way that can be considered as annoying of unprofessional by your visitors.

Furthermore, the unpredictability of AdSense accounts is another frustrating aspect about AdSense for many website owners. According to AdSense policy, AdSense accounts can be shut down at any time for multiple reasons ranging from policy violations to click frauds.

For many who don’t have any other source of living, this can be a huge income loss, not to mention the huge frustration you feel after putting in a lot of efforts working on your website and ads. Clearly, this will not happen to everyone or even most people, but it’s still difficult to think that you have so little control over your AdSense account.

Step 1 – Create a Google AdSense Account and Link it to WordPress

Let’s assume you have already a Google account created. Otherwise, start with creating one.

Then, you can proceed with creating a Google AdSense account.

After that, go ahead and integrate adsense with WordPress.

Ok, but how?

To integrate adsense with WordPress is as easy as adding a code snippet to it. Once the code is added, Google adsense will start reviewing your application to join the program. At this stage, you’ll have to just wait till you get approved to the program.

Creating Your Google Adsense Account

To create a Google AdSense account, just visit Google AdSense website, and click “Get Started” button.

How to Integrate Adsense With WordPress- Step by Step Guide
Screenshot of, August 2022

After that, you’ll land on a signup form, where you’ll have type in some information like your URL website and your home country and check the Terms and Conditions box to proceed. Once you’re done with, click on “Start using AdSense”.

Screenshot from, August 2022

Activating Your Google AdSense Account

Once you click “Start using Adsense” button, you’ll land on your Google AdSense homepage.

How to Integrate Adsense With WordPress- Step by Step Guide
Screenshot from, August 2022

To complete your AdSense Account activation, you’ll need to:

  • Provide your payment details
  • Connect your WordPress site to AdSense

To integrate adsense with WordPress will be as simple as adding a snippet of HTML code to your WordPress site’s header. This code is to be found on your AdSense homepage.

To get to it, click on the “Home” button on the left menu, then click “Connect your site to Adsense” as displayed in this screenshot bellow:

Screenshot from, August 2022

After this step, you’ll land on the following page :

Screenshot from, August 2022

Start with copying this code out there by clicking “Copy” beneath.

Now that you got that HTML code copied, go to your WordPress dashboard and do the following:

  • Start with installing “Insert Headers and Footers” WordPress plugin.
  • Go to the “Settings Menu” and select the plugin from the list of displayed options.
  • Paste the HTML code in the header section.
Screenshot of “Insert Headers and Footers” WordPress plugin, September 2022

Now that you have added successfully the code to your WordPress, you’ll have to go back on your AdSense account homepage to check the “I’ve placed the code” box and then click “Next” button as shown in the screenshot below:

Screenshot from, August 2022

After clicking that “Next” button, you’ll get the following page where you’ll have to Click “Request review” to submit your application for approval…

Screenshot from, August 2022

Wait for your account to be approved

You have sent now your application for review. All you have got to do now is to wait till your application gets approved by Google AdSense program.

Screenshot from, August 2022

As shown in the above message, it usually takes up to 3 days for your account to be activated. But in some cases, it may take a little bit longer.

Once you got that notification from Google AdSense saying that your account has been approved, you can proceed with the following step.

NB: Google will not approve your AdSense account if your site isn’t complying with the AdSense program policies. Therefore, before sending your website for approval, make sure you did everything the right way.

Start first with publishing some useful and interesting content and make sure you’re providing a good user experience for your visitors. By doing this, you’ll increase your chances for your account to be approved.

Step 2 – Create Your Ads in Google AdSense

Let’s assume that Google AdSense has approved your application and your account is now activated.

The next step is to start with creating your AdSense ads.

Don’t worry! This step is actually super easy to do too.

To simplify the process of creating ads, Google AdSense has introduced a feature that helps add automatically AdSense ads to websites. From figuring out the best ad location and size to choosing the best ad type according to your WordPress Website, everything is going to be automatically done for your best comfort.

For those of you who still would prefer to go the manual way creating and placing Ads units, you can always do it.

What to Choose Now, Auto Ads or Manual Ads?

As we just explained, if you want to avoid doing it the hard way, you can opt for auto ads and let AdSense take care of creating and placing ad units on your website. To do that, you’ll have to simply add a simple code to your website and everything is going to be done automatically.

What you might find a little bit frustrating about this approach, however, is that automatic placement can change how your theme looks and not necessarily in a good way which would impact negatively your user experience.

To sum it up, you can opt for auto ads if you are one of those publishers who:

  • Want to save time and avoid all the hard work that comes along with adding manual ads
  • Want to focus on other aspects of your business.
  • You are a beginner with less expertise at the moment.

For those who have the necessary knowledge and prefer to have complete control of their ad placement, the manual way is the way to go.

How to Create Your Auto Ads

Log in to your AdSense account homepage and click “Ads” tab as shown in the screenshot below. Then, click at “Get Code” button.

Screenshot from, August 2022

Automatically, a code will be generated to use on your WordPress website. Copy it!

Screenshot from, August 2022

Go now on your WordPress dashboard, look for “Settings” and click it. Then, from the displayed menu click on “Insert Headers and Footers” plugin. Go to the header section and paste the code you have previously generated and copied on the AdSense account.

Screenshot of “Insert Headers and Footers” WordPress plugin, September 2022

Also, this code can be manually added into the header section of the WordPress theme.

Remember, however, that if you make any change or update to your WordPress theme, you’ll have to add that code again as it will disappear.

How to Create your Manual Ads

Log in to your AdSense account homepage and click “Ads” tab as shown in the screenshot below. Then, click on “Overview” and “By ad unit” as shown in the screenshot below.

Screenshot from, August 2022

After that click on “Create new ad unit” and then on “Display ads

Give a name to your ad unit and choose the ad size. Before that you’ll have to choose amongst three options: square, vertical and horizontal. As for the ad size, you can choose either Fixed or Responsive. I would suggest going for Responsive to ensure your ads will properly work on all types of devices…

Screenshot from, August 2022

Once you have configured all of your settings, click on “Create” button. You’ll get a code generated to add to your WordPress website. Copy this code!

The following step now is to choose your ad placement on your site.

You have now to choose where you want to place your ad on your website. Sidebars and other widget areas are, typically, great options. Use the custom HTML widget to add other widget areas.

You want now to know how to add the Google AdSense code? Continue reading Step 3.

Step 3 – Embed/Implement AdSense Ads on Your Website

There are three ways I personally recommend to help you add Google AdSense ads to your WordPress website which are as follows:

1- You can Copy and Paste Your Google AdSense Code into a Widget

This method is used by several Google AdSense users because it is as easy as copy-pasting the Google AdSense code into a widget.

To use this method successfully, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard and click on “Appearance” then on “ Widgets
  2. Drag and drop the custom HTML widget to your chosen area (for instance, your site’s right sidebar).
  3. Paste the AdSense code you earlier copied from your AdSense account and then click “Save”.
Screenshot from WordPress, August 2022

Your code is now successfully added. Go to your website to check how the ad looks.

1-  You Can Use a Theme with AdSense Areas

There are several kinds of specific themes to use for Adsense Ads. ThemeForest, for example, is one of the websites where you can find such themes. Visit the website and type “AdSense WordPress themes” in the search bar to find your best fit.

Besides ThemeForest, there is also MHThemes, MyThemeShop or StudioPress that you can try.

3-You can Install a Google AdSense Plugin

Plugins are a better alternative to using a widget since they can provide you with some other features to help you with your advertisements like:

  • You will no more need to copy-paste code
  • It will help you generate reports related to your ad campaigns
  • You will even enjoy time period selection.

WP Pro Adning System, Advanced Ads and Ads Pro are all good examples of plugins amongst others that you can use.

Bonus tips…

1. Update Your Privacy Policy Section

Now that you have successfully finished to integrate adsense in website, you need to update your privacy policy with information telling your visitors that you’re using an ad network that is displaying ads on your website.

You can find the full Google resource for the required content in the privacy policy section in here.

2. Verify Your Address

As soon as you start earning money from your Adsense, you will receive from Google a card in the mail. To be able to withdraw your earned money, you’ll have to first verify your address.

When you open the received card from Google, you’ll find that it is including a PIN code that is associated with your Adsense. Along with that, you’ll find some instructions to help thru the process of verifying it online.

After verifying the PIN and address, you can begin cashing out your earning as soon as you reach the specified payment threshold.

2. How Adsense Program Really Works

The adsense program is based on “ad auction” which is a bidding system.

This means that advertisers can determine how much they’re willing to pay for their advertisements to be displayed by setting a maximum bid. Then, Google will take care of connecting them automatically with publishers who have relevant visitors for their ads.

Let’s suppose that your blog is about meals and recipes, your visitors will not see ads related, for example, to online marketing, SEO or any other thing that is totally unrelated to what you are blogging about.

If your blog is more solicited by advertisers to be displayed on it, you’ll be able to earn more and more money as a publisher because bids will increase as well in order to stay competitive.

To choose which ads to display on your blog or site, Google uses a tool called Ad Rank. The basic formula used by Ad Rank is as follows:

step by step guide to Integrate Adsense In Website
Screenshot from, September 2022

The quality score is very important and equally weighs with the bids. Quality score is measured by 3 components which are “expected click-through rates”, “landing page experience” and “ad relevance”.

This means that an advertisement with a lower bid can win an auction if it has a high quality score, even if other advertisers place higher bids.

Google will always display ads that are gonna be the most clicked which is a win-win-win scenario for Google, the advertiser, and you as a publisher.

There Are 4 Various Bid Types to Get Paid with Adsense

Publishers get paid based on different bid types for the ads that appear on their websites.

  1. CPM (cost per thousand impressions)
  2. CPC (cost per click)
  3. CPE (cost per engagement)
  4. Active View CPM (Active View Cost Per Mille Impressions)

1. CPM (cost per thousand impressions)

CPM also called cost per thousand is the cost an advertiser pays for one thousand views or impressions of an ad regardless if a visitor clicks on it or not.

When it comes to CPM bids, they are lower than CPC bids as the fee structure isn’t dependent on the user taking an action.

2. CPC – (Cost Per Click)

CPC or Cost-Per-Click is the amount of money publishers earn each time a visitor clicks on ads displayed on their websites. The content of the displayed ad determines how much money the publisher is going to make as some advertisers are willing to pay more per click than others, depending on what they’re advertising.

3. CPE – (Cost Per Engagement)

CPE or Cost-Per-Engagement is based on the activeness of the visitor with regards to a displayed advertisement. For example in case of a “lightbox ad” which is an expandable ad format, when a user hovers over it for more than two seconds, this ad will expand. That is simply enough as an engagement proof for CPE payouts.

4. Active View CPM (Active View Cost Per Mille Impressions)

Payouts under this type of bid are conditioned by viewing at least 50% of a displayed advertisement for at least 1 second.

This type of bids is higher than CPM bids as the chances of a website user actually seeing the advertisement are increased.

Best Practices Using Google AdSense

Now that everything is okay with your AdSense being correctly installed on your website, there are certain practices to abide by and be aware of to get the most out of being a publisher.

Adopting the following practices will enable you as a publisher to make more money from your Google AdSense and at the same time you’ll be avoiding to violate Google AdSense’s policies.

Never Try to Click Ads Displayed on Your Website

Clicking ads displayed on your website(s) is considered fraudulent. So it’s important that you avoid clicking on them and don’t let any of your family members in your household do it neither.

Google will not be able to detect who exactly clicked an ad on your website, whether you, your spouse or any other family member since you’re living together in the same house. So any click coming from your house will be considered fraudulent and automatically you will run the risk of getting banned from the adsense Program.

Avoid Displaying Ads on Your E-commerce Website(s)

This won’t be considered as a violation of Google’s policy but this won’t help you a lot with conversions on your site. By enabling ads on your e-commerce site you can possibly get ads from your competitors to be displayed on your website which is not in your best interest.

By doing this, you’ll be indirectly driving your visitors away from your websites onto one of your competitors which will impact your conversion rate.

Also, the amount of money you’ll make by enabling ads on your website won’t worth any lost sale. In addition, the displayed ads could distract users from your sales copy and CTAs, even if they are not associated with the competition.

That’s why I wouldn’t recommend publishers to enable ads on any of their websites selling products or services.

Don’t Stick to One Type of Ad Units.

Website users and visitors have definitely different preferences. Therefore, they might be interested or attracted to different styles and types of ads appearing on your website.

That said, displaying the same ad units would make you lose money which wouldn’t be the case if you opt for displaying different types of ads. For instance, in spite of running text and display ad units, you might probably make more money running native ads too.

Screenshot from, September 2022


The golden tip in here is to keep experimenting with different ad units until you settle on the best ads types that bring you the most money.

Always Look for the Best Ad Placement

Besides experimenting with different ad units, you will need also to try different areas of your website for displaying your ads. Keep testing till you find that areas where your ads will be performing the most.

I’d suggest you to check out these Google’s best practices for ad placements depending on the type of website you have. They provide different suggestions for:

  • News sites
  • Blogs
  • Forums
  • Gaming sites
  • Travel sites
  • Classifieds
  • Sports sites

Also go ahead and browse thru your competitors’ successful websites to look at their ad placements and try to do the same for best conversions.

Keep Creating Quality Content to Drive More and More Traffic

Making money from Adsense is 100% reliant on website traffic. Therefore, you’ll have to continuously create and publish some useful and interesting content for your audience and be always looking for legitimate ways to attract more traffic to your website.

The more traffic you attract, the greater chances for you to get your ads seen and clicked and the more money you’ll be making.

To Sum Up: It’s Easy to integrate Adsense With WordPress

Everyone can easily integrate adsense with WordPress by following these easy steps.

I wouldn’t recommend Google adsense for only e-commerce websites. Publishers are good to go with adsense for any other type of websites. You can come across many other ad networks but adsense remains the most reputable. In addition, Google adsense is totally free so there is no reason why not trying it…

Just keep this guide as a reference and get back to it whenever you’ll want to integrate adsense with WordPress. Follow these easy simple steps and you’ll be soon earning money with your displayed ads.

Recommended reading : Best Performing Banner Ads According to Google In 2023 

(Featured Image Credit(free) : Niilo Isotalo / unsplash photos)


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