Hi GUYS and welcome back to this new article…
Today, we’ll be discussing how to get your first powerful backlinks for your website…
Many of you, would say that anyone can get a backlink…
Or even buy it (which I strongly advise against).
Such backlinks are just random backlinks and thus NOT any special…
Getting high domain authority backlinks from high domain authority websites, however…is what I call a special thing you can boast about.
Many website owners would be ready to pay hundreds if not saying thousands of dollars to secure a single high quality backlink on a high DA website…
Just to give you an idea how important and beneficial that is…
Before we expand on this…
Let’s explain first what domain authority (DA) is…

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What is Domain Authority (DA)
Domain authority (DA) is an important metric that’s been developed by Moz and which helps measure the popularity and the trustworthiness of a website.
In other words, the higher the domain authority of a website, the better the links on it.
That’s why it’s highly RECOMMENDED to try to get some of these authoritative backlinks on some of those high DA websites…
We are talking here about websites like Contentmarketinginstitute.com, Outbrain.com or HuffingtonPost.com to name a few.
You’ll get many benefits when securing any backlinks on one of such authoritative websites.
Some of these benefits are as follows…
An increase in your DA score making your website more popular and trustworthy.
A significant and noticeable increase in your traffic.
Well, that’s such an AWESOME thing to hear…
But will it be EASY to do…?
The answer UNFORTUNATELY is…
Not really!
Many website owners just try HARDLY and CONTINUOUSLY to get some high DA backlinks but…
Each time their efforts just go down the drain…
At the same time, HOWEVER…
I want you NOT to get discouraged if you are one of them…
First because you’re NOT the only one…
Second, because you SIMPLY do not know the good technique to do it…
The good news is…
Once you know it, this will become much easier for you!
And to make it much easier for you too…
I’m sharing with you today one of the BEST TECHNIQUES you can use for building such backlinks…
Without wasting much time, let’s get down to business…
Which Websites Should You Target for High Domain Authority Backlinks?
Before you can go ahead with this technique, you need to specify within a list the websites you’ll be targeting.
You are not going to try every website in your niche with the score of 80 or higher. Get more specific to have a much higher chance of getting your all-time sought after powerful backlinks.
In other words, do start “attacking” those websites with the most attention in your niche.
You can determine them through a simple and easy Google search. Start by searching for your focus keyword.

Generally, all the websites that show up on Google’s first page have a high domain authority (DA).
Well, let’s say not always but this is true most of the time…
Do make a list of all those websites showing on that first page.
After that, go and check their DA. To do that, there are many available tools you can use such as Ahrefs Authority Checker.

Type in the chosen website URL, and then click “Check Authority”.
You’ll get a result page with the website’s DA showing up out there.

If the DA is 80 or higher, go for that website because that is what we’re aiming for.
Also, don’t start targeting too many websites simultaneously as this can be very overwhelming. I would suggest that you begin with 4 to 7 at the max.
Now that your websites list is ready, you can get down to business.
The technique will be explaining today is named:
Fixing Broken Links Technique
What is this all about?
Many of you would already have heard about this technique before. (Keep reading even if you already have)
The point here is that most websites have definitely some dead links on them that no longer work.

Most of the time, those dead or broken links will be landing readers on pages with deleted content a long time ago.
Now, let’s think about this for a while…
Let’s suppose you have a big website with thousands of visitors a day. Wouldn’t you want to make sure they are able to access everything including the backlinks on it without any issues facing them? Definitely, you would want that!
Let’s imagine, for example, which would be even worse that there is a backlink out there supposed to be leading to an important backing study or stat and your visitors click on it but rather than getting to that study, they get a 404 page.
How would they feel? Isn’t this going to be bad for your website?
You definitely know the answers…
You definitely know that this will cause your credibility to decrease.
…and your traffic to take a dive as well.
You got it now that broken links are very bad for websites, isn’t it?
Even if you don’t have an authoritative website yet a small one, you can still cash in on this information.
If you detect a dead link on any of your targeted websites, you can take advantage of such opportunity to help the website fix that issue and at the same put all the chances by your side getting a powerful backlink to yours as well.
How exactly?
By simply informing the website about the dead link and offering your own content as a replacement to link to.

Surely, you’ll be needing some high quality content published on your site to qualify for that precious link.
You kind of interested? Here is how to proceed.
To begin with, you’ll have to detect the dead links on your targeted websites. To do so, you can try the Screaming Frog SEO Spider.
Feel free to download it here.
After that, type the URL into the box at the top of the tool and click “Start.”
Our advice to you, at this stage, will be to crawl the URLs of older articles. If you go for the entire website, you’ll get lots of backlinks to sort through, and this can take a while.

Once the tool finishes crawling, do the following:
Click on the “Response Codes” tab.
Head to the sidebar on the right side
Scroll down till you see the ““Client Error (4xx)”.
Click on it.
You’ll get listed all the broken links on that website or page.
To see which pages on that website to have these dead links, do the following:
Click on any URL
Then, click the “Inlinks” tab at the bottom of the screen.

The URL of the page containing the dead link is to be found in the “from” column. That’s exactly the URL you’ll be contacting the website about.
The dead link we’ll be working on as an example today is from this Moz page.
Moz has a DA of 91 which makes it a good website to target for high domain authority backlinks.
The broken link goes to a page that no longer exists.

The next step will be to look for the old content.
Simply by using Archive.org.
This Great utility will help you find the content of pages that no more exist.
Why will you have to do this?
This will help you get an idea about the exact missing content so you can find the best content replacement on your website you will be offering to link to.
Many of you would say that, by just reading the URL, you can tell what the content was about.
Well…Not always.
Anyway, I prefer personally double-check sometimes.
When you paste the page URL into the box on Archive.org, you’ll see the following:

A cached page is accessible through a blue-colored dot on a calendar date.
Hover over the one of your choice, and then click on the timestamp.

And bingo, here is the old content!

Now you can review and analyze directly the old content.
In case you happen to have a similar content to it, then there will be big chances for you to secure a backlink on that website.
Nothing left for you now but to inform the website about the dead backlink and ask for a link replacement.
At this stage, avoid giving the impression that you are too needy.
Be direct and polite.
To make things easier for you, here is a template example you can use to implement this technique.
Subject: Your Website has a broken link to fix.
Hello [name],
I have been browsing recently through your website and found this webpage on your website: (Page URL).
It’s an interesting page, but came across a broken link on it. That link goes to (page URL), which is no longer existing.
I’ve written an article about (topic), and I think it is a good fit for your webpage.
I would appreciate it if you consider replacing that broken link with a link to my article.
Your readers will definitely love it.
It’s been a pleasure helping you out.
Thanks for your time,
(Your name)
This technique seems too simple but works very well most of the time.
The good thing about it as well is that it works for big websites as well as for small ones. So you can gain some high domain authority backlinks and see your DA goes from 0 to 50 right away.
If you want to be successful with it at 100%, search from the dead links first, and then produce some high content specifically to replace it.
Authoritative websites are always seeking for perfect content. That means that usually custom content has an edge over existing one.
Take-home Message
Don’t underestimate the power of linkbuilding.
Any gained backlink from a high DA website will bring many benefits to your website.
High domain authority backlinks will help drive lot of traffic to your website, will make it more visible in search engines and increase its popularity and trustworthiness.
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