Best Performing Banner Ads According to Google

Last Updated

May 1, 2024

Written by Jacob Hubmann

On this page

Best performing banner ads are what your looking for, right?

But, what for?

Well, it is important to follow up with your target audience, right?

Retargeting is a great way to bring back visitors from the past, increasing sales and revenue. You can launch a remarketing campaign via Google ads.

This display network will allow you to place your ads in many shapes and sizes. What you’ll have to do, at this stage, however, is to choose the best performing ones.

It’s all good now but what are really those best performing banner ads to use for your website?

Let’s take a look at the benefits and features of each of the 16 following Google Ad banner sizes.

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What are Google’s Best Performing Banner Ads?

These are the most popular Google ad sizes for advertising:

  • Half page (300×600) 

  • Large mobile banner (320 x 100)  

  • Medium rectangle (300 x 250)  

  • Large rectangle (336 x 280)  

  • Leaderboard (728×90)


Find out more about the sizes of these display ads, as well as all other options available here!

1. Half page (300×600)

Half-page ads aren’t as big as they sound, but they communicate valuable information to the readers and perform well. Such ads are more prominent than other ads and take up more website real estate. They can be placed on the side and have a high impression rate.

Because they are large, viewers must look at them longer than usual, which can lead to more clicks and conversions.

2. Banner (468×60)

Your ads may be the first thing your potential customers see when they are browsing websites. Banner ads are placed at the top of a page and can be used to grab attention to launch your marketing efforts. They are usually shorter than the leaderboard ad.

3. Half banner (234×60)

The half banner ad is a great option if you are looking for an ad that has a limited but powerful reach. Although it is more compact, its reach to people is smaller due to fewer ad inventory. This Google Ads text size is smaller, which reduces the amount of text available. However, it can still direct visitors to your website and services using powerful images.

4. Mobile banner (320 x 50)

Although the mobile banner is only visible on mobile devices, it can be used to identify a significant number of people. In 2018, 77% of American adults owned a smartphone. This is an increase from the 35% who had smartphones in 2011. Mobile internet usage has increased which means that mobile marketing has a lot of potential. Your banner can be seen by people scrolling on their phones or tablets.

5. Large mobile banner (320 x 100)

Building your personal technology ad campaign is strategic. Large mobile banners can dispatch retargeting more effectively than the smaller mobile banners. Mobile broadband is becoming more popular in America, and so mobile ads of prominent size can be effective in engaging potential customers. A large banner ad on mobile can be used to make mobile activity more prominent and captivate past visitors. This makes of it one the best performing banner ads to go for.

6. Vertical banner (120×240)

Vertical banners, similar to half-banner size, can be placed in tight spots. These ads may not be as visible as larger ads, but they can fit in tight spaces. It can be difficult to insert sentences or CTA messages into the space.

It is also not well-supplied by the Google Ads Network.

7. Medium rectangle (300 x 250)

Medium rectangle ads are one of the most effective Google retargeting sizes. They have a lot of space across the Google Display Network. These ads can be displayed on smartphones, tablets, computers, and at the bottom or within text of pages, particularly after articles.

8. Square (250×250)

The square size can be used on both computers and mobile devices. Square ads are responsive, meaning they adjust to the most visible spots on pages. Square ads are simple and hug the side panels. These ads are easy to arrange images and text, and can be easily adapted to get your message back at previous viewers.

9. Small square (100×100)

While small square ads offer many of the same benefits as regular square sizes, they are less prominent. These ads can still be used to capitalize on visitors’ demonstrated interest, but serve a subtler purpose. They can also be used with mobile browsers.

10. Large rectangle (336 x 280)

Google Ads has a large inventory of this ads size that can increase conversions and generate revenue. These ads get more attention when embedded in content. You can also combine visual and text elements to increase their performance.

11. Skyscraper (120 x 600)

Skyscrapers, which are placed on the sides and bottom of pages, are tall ads that restrict word placement. This vertical Google retargeting ad size is less popular with businesses. Therefore, they are more affordable.

You still have a good chance of your audience visiting your site again with Skyscraper ads, so it’s worth looking into.

12. Wide skyscraper (160 x 600)

Wide skyscraper ads can be used as your Google display ad to help people remember your brand. These ads are useful because they have more space. These ads are placed along the sides of websites and offer more space than the traditional skyscraper advertisement.

13. Portrait (300 x 1050)

Because portrait ads are eye-catching, they’re a new unit size for retargeting. Websites don’t have enough inventory to support portrait ads, even though they are in high demand. Although portrait ads may appear in the middle or even at the end of site content, this can disrupt the natural flow of pages.

These ads can be captivating if they favor one side or the other.

14. Billboard (970 x 250)

Billboard ads are the largest horizontal Google retargeting advertising size and stand out at page’s top. Although they can be placed in different places on websites, billboard ads get the highest impression rates when they are located above the content. Billboard ads are ideal for those with a lot text.

15. Leaderboard (728×90)

Leaderboard advertisements are another long Google Display Network ad size. Many websites have enough room for them. These ads are usually found at the top of websites pages, which is where they are most effective. They also do well in forums.

16. Large leaderboard (970×90)

In addition to the standard leaderboard, large leaderboards can be found in the upper part of websites. The ad offers the option to expand and move the content down, creating a unique experience. Although this can increase interaction, it can also come off as intrusive.

Users can either continue to interact with the expanded version or move on. This gives your retargeted audience the opportunity to pursue your products.


I hope you GUYS so enjoyed reading this guide and got all informed now about the best performing banner Ads according to Google.

Recommended reading : Highest Paying Adsense Alternatives for Bloggers

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