Happy to see you back here…
Today, I’ll be sharing with you one of the best techniques…
For a quicker indexing of your content by search engines…
And when I say search engines, I mean Ping, Yahoo, Google, DuckDuckGo, Baidu and all the others …
The main reason why you would need to do this is…
To help your content get quickly findable in SERPS and thus, improve your website rankings…
It is a fact now that…
If search engines do NOT know about your content existence, your chance of ranking will NOT just be improbable…
This will be impossible.
The question now is…
Do you REALLY need to submit your site to search engines in order for them to know about it?
That’s what I’ll be discussing with you GUYS among others through the following points here…
Reasons why you need to submit to search engines
How to submit your website to search engines
How to know whether your website is indexed
How to resolve your website indexing problems
Why submitting your site is NOT enough
Without wasting too much time, let’s cut to the chase…

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Do You REALLY Need to Submit Your Site to Search Engines?
Not really…
But doing it will surely help your website be discovered faster and thus, helps with a quicker indexing by search engines.
Search engines including Google don’t rely simply on manual submissions…
They are using something called “CRAWLING” to discover new websites and webpages.
Crawling is the process of continually checking known websites for new backlinks to new webpages and websites. The new content discovered will get indexed by search engines.
NB: More about the crawling process and how it is working is in this video.
To sum it up, search engines have already their own way to find your website.
But, does this mean that submitting websites is useless?
Here are some advantages to submitting your website to search engines:
Your content may not get discovered through crawling. Submitting your website to search engines is a quick process, so why take the risk search engines don’t find your content?
Keep them informed about new changes. Submitting your website help search engines keep updated about new changes to your website and content.
This will help you improve your Site. Submitting your website to search engines such as Bing and Google will help you get access to free tools and stats to further analyze and thus, improve your website.
Quicker indexing by search engines and thus better chances for faster ranking in SERPS.
How to Submit your Website For Quicker Indexing by Search Engines
The process of submitting your website to either Google or Bing will be through submitting your sitemap to them.
As for other search engines such as DuckDuckGo and Yahoo, there will be simply no need to...
We’ll explain you why after…
Let’s see now how you can find your sitemap to submit for Google and Bing indexing.
Your Website sitemap is usually found at one of the following URLs:

In case you don’t find your sitemap there, check it out at the following:
The majority of websites have their sitemap listed there.

If you still don’t find your sitemap in there, there are big chances that you don’t have one.
So, you’ll definitely have to create a sitemap before continuing which is out the way now…
Here is how to submit your website to different search engines:
Via Google Search Console
Through Bing Webmaster Tools
Submitting to Yahoo
To DuckDuckGo
And finally, to Baidu
How to Submit your Website via Google Search Console
In order to submit your website via Google Search Console, follow these simple steps:
Log in to “Google Search Console”
On the left menu, Click “Sitemaps”
Copy paste in your sitemap URL
Click ‘submit’

Before you can follow those steps, make sure you have already created, added and verified your site on the platform.
In case you don’t know how to do it, check out my guide about it in here.
Repeat the process in case you have multiple sitemaps.
Recommended reading: How to Submit Your Website to Google
There is ONLY one individual page to submit to Google?
On the left menu, click “URL Inspection” and then copy paste your webpage’s full URL in there.
If your webpage isn’t indexed yet, you’ll get that warning message saying the “URL is not on Google”.
Click “Request indexing” in order for Google to start with crawling and indexing that page.

In case your webpage is already indexed, you’ll get that confirmation message saying the “URL is on Google”.

Now that your URL is already on Google, there is nothing left for you to do.
It is a good practice, however, to request reindexing your URL after any update you make to your content. This way Google will recrawl and reindex your page again.
How to Submit Your Website via Bing Webmaster Tools
In order to submit your website via Bing Webmaster Tools, follow these simple steps:
Log in to “Bing Webmaster Tools”
On the left menu, click “Sitemaps”
Copy paste in your sitemap URL
Click “Submit sitemap”

Repeat the process in case of multiple sitemaps.
How to Submit Your Site to Yahoo
Well, there is no need to so.
You’ll have to only submit your website to Bing. By doing this, you’ll automatically be submitting your Website to Yahoo.
How to Submit Your Site to DuckDuckGo
There is no official way to proceed with your website submissions to DuckDuckGo. It just doesn’t allow that.
DuckDuckGo, however, crawl and index websites from more than 400 sources, including through its web crawler “DuckDuckBot”, Bing, Wikipedia and others.
Therefore, all you have to do is submitting your website to Bing.
How to Submit your Website to Baidu
Well, you need to know that Baidu is for websites that target Chinese audiences. So consider submitting your website to that search engine only if your website is in Chinese or is targeting people in china.
The process of submitting a website to Baidu is kind of complex and difficult to follow. Therefore, we will not explain it here.
Here is, however, a detailed guide to Baidu submissions in case you need that.
How to Check Whether Your Website is Now Indexed
Many related guides online would recommend checking your website’s indexing status by typing the following in Google:
This checking method remains unreliable and will not tell you if your site or a specific webpage on it is indexed.
Only the tools provided by the search engines themselves are the best way to verify your indexing status.
Checking Indexing Status on Google:
To check for indexing status on Google, follow these simple steps:
Go to the “Coverage report” in Google Search Console,
Click the ‘Valid’ tab,
Click one of the lists under details to see your indexed URLs

In case you want to check the status of a specific URL, you can use the “URL Inspection” option on the left menu.
Checking Indexing Status on Bing
To check for your indexed pages in Bing, you can use their “Site Explorer”. Then you can filter by indexed URLs. As for individual pages, you can use Bing’s “URL Inspection” option.
How to Fix Your Website’s Indexing Problems
In order to fix your indexing issues, you’ll have to first figure out why you’re encountering them.
To understand what’s going wrong with your website or a specific webpage having issues to be indexed, go to Google’s URL Inspection tool, paste in the concerned URL and check the coverage error.

Here are some common issues in Search Console with their meaning:
There are pages that contain ‘noindex’ tag. ‘Noindex’ tag on pages blocks Google from indexing them because of a noindex robots meta tag. This tag should be removed from concerned pages in order for them to be indexed.
And there are pages that are blocked by robots.txt. Pages that are blocked by robots.txt don’t let Google crawl them. The block should be removed in order to enable Google to index them.
Other pages with redirect. If you find that there are pages with redirect where they shouldn’t, do remove the redirect as Google will not index redirected pages.
Why Submitting Your Website And Getting that FASTER Indexing By Search Engines Isn’t Enough
According to this study, almost no online visitor researches or clicks beyond the first results page returned by Google.

That’s the reason why a simple or even a quicker indexing by search engines is NOT enough.
You need to rank as well on the first search page for your targeted keywords if you want to drive traffic from the search engines.
How? That’s complicated.
You can watch this video for the general process.
Also, even getting on the first search page won’t be enough for those wanting to drive a huge amount of traffic as most people click only one of the first three search results:

And overwhelmingly most people do click only the first search result:

So, you should focus on ranking very high for your targeted keywords.
Let’s watch this interesting video here.
Take-home Message
Search engines such as Google and Bing will probably discover your site even if you don’t submit it using the aforementioned techniques. But it’s still worth submitting manually your website to them, to gain on the interesting benefits of that such as faster discovery, crawling and thus, quicker indexing by search engines.
It’s also a good thing re-submitting your already indexed web pages that you have, in the meanwhile, updated or changed.
Finally GUYS, our guide for today has just come to an end, and as always…
I hope you so enjoyed it and got now the necessary skills to apply for a quicker indexing of your content by search engines…
Recommended reading: High Domain Authority Backlinks : How to Get Your First DA 80+ Backlink?
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